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Is your nonprofit ready for fundraising? Download our free checklist!It’s money that makes the world go round. While not everyone would put it so bluntly, the truth is that for many nonprofits money is one of the most-needed resources.

Ideas and programs abound, but it can be hard to find the money needed to bring these to life. The process of attracting money – and the leadership that will sustain giving over the years – is what fundraising is all about. Through our work we have identified 18 prerequisites for fundraising success. These are the “invisible” processes, people, activities, and communications that underly fundraising success. They are the building blocks of a fundraising culture, and too often they are not explicitly communicated and implemented.

To help share the “secrets” of successful fundraising we have developed a free checklist you can download and use to assess your fundraising readiness. It covers all 18 of the prerequisites and was created for use by individuals and groups such as fundraising teams and nonprofit boards.

Is your nonprofit ready for fundraising? Download our free checklist!We suggest that you review the assessment checklist with an eye to the organization or institution you are most closely identified with. Think about what you know — and what you don’t know. Based on your current understanding and involvement, take a moment to indicate whether or not you believe the prerequisite is present or yet to be developed. If you are not sure, place a mark in the not sure column. When you complete your individual assessment take time to discuss as a group, and plot your growth from there.

Prerequisites for Fundraising SuccessHere’s what we know: Sustained, successful fundraising requires consistent attention, action, funding, and leadership. It is proactive and volunteer-driven. The success of an organization’s or institution’s fundraising depends upon the involvement of board members — specifically, their ability and willingness to cultivate and solicit major donors. This is where it all begins. If the leadership of an organization is not behind a fundraising initiative, it will be very difficult for volunteers or staff to experience success. Good intentions, desire, and commitment abound amongst board members, staff, and volunteers. While these traits are a starting point for fundraising success, they are not enough.

Our experience has shown that fundraising success can be predicted by the extent to which an organization or institution has implemented and embraced the 18 prerequisites for fundraising success.

As we begin the new year, we want you to have the resources you need to fulfill your mission and vision. We want you to sustain and grow. Our hope is that you can use our new checklist with your board and staff to begin a discussion on how to transform your fundraising in 2020. Download your free copy or email us at

Don’t forget:

Copyright 2020 – Mel and Pearl Shaw

When you are ready to grow your fundraising, prepare for a fundraising campaign, or increase board engagement we are here to help. Call us at (901) 522-8727.