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In less than 24 hours we ran into or communicated with five people we admire who help make our world a better place. Let us introduce you to Melanie DeMore, Sally Baker, Linda Dails, Theodora Lee, and Charles Simpson.

Melanie DeMore

1. Melanie DeMore.  This singer/songwriter/conductor teaches music to children. Hundreds of them. She’s reached thousands over the years. We ran into her the other day in Oakland, CA and she shared about the Christmas pagent at her school and how it is okay for any child to play any part. That means a boy can play Mary, a girl can play Kind Herrod. There can be two girls playing Mary and Joseph. A small but radical notion. What artificial barriers have kept you from pursuing your dreams? Let ’em go and get ready to grow in 2010.  Learn more about Melanie.

2. Sally Baker. WEE POETS is Sally’s baby. She birthed this cable program 27 years ago and continues to encourage young people to improve their reading, writing, public speaking and self-esteem. Young people read their origianl poetry on TV. They can also serve as technical interns on the show. Taking a quick peak on the internet to learn more about Sally we found that as of 2005 WEE POETS had reached over 27,000 children and trained more than 370 interns, 95 percent of who subsequently major in broadcasting. Go Sally! 

3. Linda Dails. Linda has worked at the Bay Area Black United Fund for 17 years. She is the backbone of the organization, an unsung hero. And as of Friday a married woman! That’s right, Linda married her long-time love Marcus Stewart! Here’s to Mr. & Mrs. Stewart. 

Theodora Lee

4. Theodora Lee. A talented and experienced attorney Theodora is also a community leader. She credits her parents for her drive saying “to whom much is given, much is expected.” Her parents are retired teachers and the publishers of the Dallas Post Tribune. Theodora serves on the  Board of Directors of the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, Bay Area Legal Aid and the UNCF Northern California Board. She is a woman of power!

5. Charles Simpson. This father of two is a long-time football and baseball coach. Year after year he commits himself to the boys and young men of Phlugerville, TX giving of his time and talent. Last week he traveled to Florida to watch the PopWarner League finals and learn more about what makes a winning team. His goal: bring it all home to the young people he coaches. Go Charles!

6. You. Where would we be without you? You make the world a better place. Keep at it! We support you and salute you! Here’s to a great 2010! Have a FUNdraising Good Time!

Mel and Pearl Shaw

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